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Sunday, 18 October 2015

The Setting Of A Story

The setting means the time and place that form the background for the story. The settings sometimes play a vital role in the short story where by the setting of the story set the reader’s mode and a good description of the setting will make the reader more eager to keep up and follow the events of the story.

Setting in short story includes:
· place – geographical location. Where is the action of the story taking place?
· time – When is the story taking place? (historical period, time 

of day, year, etc)
· weather conditions – Is it rainy, sunny, stormy, etc?
· social conditions – What is the daily life of the characters like? Does the story contain local color (writing that focuses on the speech, dress, mannerisms, customs, etc. of a particular place)?
· mood or atmosphere – What feeling is created at the beginning of the story? Is it bright and cheerful or dark and frightening?
Points to determine the setting of a story :
reference to the time or date
the names of the characters
description of clothing
reference to events

Knowing the setting of the story can give us a picture of where the story is taking place and when it’s taking place. The setting gives the reader a better sense of the story. It allows them to visualize what is going on and connect with the characters better; the setting should be connected to the theme of the story.

Tips when writing the setting:
In a short story you have a limited number of words to convey your message , you must choose your settings carefully & wisely
Make the reader of the short story able to imagine themselves and put themselves in the characters positions.
Appeal to your reader’s five senses to make your setting more real. Remember to combine setting with characterization and plot of the story.
Use two or more senses in your description of setting

Also here is a mind map that you can use to brain-storm some ideas for the setting of short story:

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